The inspiration behind our next MISSION COLLECTION

The insight of this week inspired our next MISSION COLLECTION. 

God created Adam and Eve and He told them to multiply.

God called Abraham and he told him he would make him into a nation.

God sent one Messiah and the Messiah created a community of disciples.

Jesus sent the disciples and they created communities of churches that worked together.

In God's design, you are not meant to walk the journey of your life alone. You are meant to have brothers, sisters, family, and friends to walk alongside with.

There is an African saying that says: If you want to go fast walk alone but if you want to go far walk alongside your neighbor .

So here at Anastasis we are so excited that for our next ANASTASIS MISSION COLLECTION we are going to be walking alongside with our neighbors.

We are going to be displaying locally handcrafted items (The hanging you see in the picture is one of them)  and we are going to donate 100% of the profit from our collection to a local ministry that operates in the Michigan Jails.

Stay tuned to learn more about our next COLLECTION

Rise to the Call

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